The REC Code Manager has recently completed a few activities to make it simpler and quicker for industry to access the information it needs.
In the last month you might have noticed a new way to request assistance and raise queries on the REC: Live Chat is now available on the REC Portal.
If you head to the Knowledge and Service Desk page, and click on the ‘Let’s chat’ pop-up in the bottom right corner, you’ll be able to receive real-time assistance with your queries. If the service desk operative is unable to give you an answer immediately, they’ll log your query, give you a reference number and follow up in line with the usual timescales.
Following your feedback, the Data Specification has been refreshed to give a cleaner feel and allow easier navigation. Many of you joined the Code Manager Q&A sessions to help you understand the changes and learn how to get the most out of the Data Specification and we hope you found the sessions useful.
The REC Data Specification is unique in that it brings together both gas and electricity flows into a single data catalogue, linked directly to our digital REC; meaning that you can navigate directly from references in the legal text to the relevant market messages and data items.
The REC Code Manager has been engaging with users of the REC Data Specification to understand how we can enhance the user experience. Based on the feedback received, on 24 February, the Code Manager implemented the following changes:
Human Readable - Enhanced Appearance: The way in which the Market Messages and Data Items are presented was enhanced, with an appearance similar to that used on the MRA Data Transfer Catalogue website introduced. The REC Code Manager also published a downloadable HTML format, which you can use as an alternative method to view the Data Items and Market Messages.
Machine Readable - New Format Access Database: The REC Code Manager has supplemented the DTC format Access Database with a new database that contains all the REC Market Messages (i.e. both gas and electricity messages), in the format that aligns with the REC data model. Each time a change is made to the Market Messages and/or Data Items the REC Code Manager will publish an updated version of both the DTC format (if relevant) and the REC format Access Databases, so that you can automatically update your systems with the changes.
Over the coming months the REC Code Manager will be focusing on the following areas of improvement to the REC Data Specification:
Addition of New Messages and Data Items: Work is underway to add the new Central Switching Service (CSS) Messages into the Data Specification, ahead of REC Version 3.0 going live. The REC Code Manager will be publishing a pre-release containing the CSS messages in April.
The REC Code Manager will also be adding the Market Messages contained within the UKLink catalogue, at which point the REC Data Specification will contain all centrally defined energy market messages. Watch this space for more information on when this will be implemented.
Further Data Specification Enhancements: The improvements implemented on 24 February were a first step in what is a continuous process to deliver an ever-enhancing Data Specification. The REC Code Manager will be continuing to rollout improvements, with the focus over the coming months being on the Human Readable elements of the Data Specification.
Let us know what you think:
We welcome feedback on your initial experiences of the updated Data Specification and what you would like to see implemented next. Please use the REC Code Manager survey online form here to share your views.
We’re always open to your feedback on our services so please continue to use your OAM, surveys, the Service Desk and any other way that you engage with the Code Manager to let us know what’s working for you or what we could improve.
Rebecca Mottram, REC Code Manager and PAB Secretary
With the REC reaching the 6-month milestone since the launch of the operational service, we want to share our reflections on REC Performance Assurance and our plans for the remainder of the year.
Key reflections – Risk Monitoring At the heart of the REC Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) is retail risk monitoring. During mobilisation of the REC, the REC Code Manager and interim REC Performance Assurance Board (PAB) identified priority areas of focus in REC-defined processes that should be closely monitored to identify market trends and drive performance improvements.
The identified retail risks, set out in the Retail Risk Register, are monitored by the REC Code Manager through the collection of a range of data and reports from REC Parties and service providers, as detailed in the Performance Assurance Report Catalogue.
We recognise that the REC PAF introduces a new approach to risk monitoring in the retail market and we are working closely with parties to explain the changes and help them understand their obligations. We are now in a position where the PAB is taking action to further investigate and address issues directly with parties. This includes three initial areas where poor performance has been identified: erroneous switches, debt assignment protocol and meter point location address updates.
TThe Code Manager and the PAB have a range of tools in our toolbox, allowing us to resolve different causes of market issues. These are known as Performance Assurance Techniques (PATs) and include powerful incentives, actions to improve industry processes and targeted interventions focused on specific Parties or Service Providers. In essence, these are the mechanisms by which we can understand the root causes of under performance and act to improve performance.
To inform our understanding the causes of performance issues observed in the risk monitoring data, we have issued queries and requests for information to lower performing parties. We will use this information to help determine our next steps, which may include the application of further PATs. We have also recently published erroneous switch peer comparisons charts on the REC Portal; the purpose being to name and rank the poorest performing energy suppliers over a 3-month period to incentivise improved performance.
We are also working closely with industry to improve the REC arrangements where we and the PAB believe improvements need to be made. For example, we are holding a workshop on 31 March 2022 to further explore the issues surrounding the debt assignment protocol process and to help identify potential areas for change.
PAB Business The PAB’s focus has been varied over the first 6 months. With it being a challenging time for the sector, with multiple suppliers exiting the market, PAB discussions have included considerations into the effectiveness of the REC supplier of last resort process. That said, we have also seen a high level of market entry applications keeping the team busy, since the gates opened in September 2021.
The PAB has also received eight Derogation applications to-date. The nature of these requests has extended across performance assurance reporting requirements, technical derogations on the provision of meter technical details and Meter Asset Provider (MAP) IDs, and industry data cleansing of MPAN data.
A further area of PAB attention has also been on service provider performance, a new and important focus under the REC arrangements. On behalf of the PAB and RECCo, we have a crucial role in monitoring REC service provider performance against defined service levels and escalating non-compliances to ensure that all REC service providers, including the REC Code Manager, continue to provide a valued and cost-effective service to industry.
This focus has also led to a REC Change Proposal being raised to introduce performance changes on REC service providers to further incentivise good performance. This change is currently being progressed under the REC Change Process and, subject to approval, will be implemented later in 2022.
Looking forward There is a lot happening in this space, and we look forward to providing visibility to Parties of the REC performance assurance service over the coming months. This includes the release of risk monitoring dashboards on the REC Portal expected in late Spring 2022.
The Code Manager has also published a 12-month indicative view of the planned PAB activities, setting out items outside of the standard meeting agenda. There is also a timeline on how the Code Manager plans to engage with wider industry stakeholders on performance assurance related topics, including preparations for REC V3.0, over the next 12 months.
This plan is updated regularly and shared with the PAB at its monthly meetings, which can be accessed through the PAB meeting papers on the REC Portal.
If you have any questions, you can contact the REC Performance Assurance team for more information at:
As part of Retail Code Consolidation on 1st September 2021, a number of industry codes transitioned to REC.
In recognition that industry may require access to historic information pertinent to those codes, RECCo made arrangements with the existing code bodies to maintain current access arrangements for a period of time after 1st September 2021 to provide certain information, for example change registers and meeting papers.
Access to the MRASCo website closed at the end of 2021 although access to the Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) was extended until the end of February 2022 to align to improvements being made to the REC Data Specification during a February release. The SPAA website will now also be closing at the end of March 2022, this will include the removal of user access. RECCo has arranged for the relevant data to be transferred to RECCo for both of these Codes.
Parties can request access to this historical information via RECCo’s dedicated email address: All queries will be responded to within three working days.
It is important to note that access to certain confidential information (e.g. ‘closed session’ papers) or information not pertinent to Retail Code Consolidation (e.g. corporate records such as Board minutes) will not be provided under these arrangements. Any access restrictions that currently apply would apply for the enduring arrangements.
Thank you to all the Parties who attended the energy theft calculator workshop on Tuesday 8th March.
We had a valuable discussion about the current tool and how this could be adapted in line with the ever-evolving energy industry. Overall, stakeholders confirmed that the energy theft calculation tool was working efficiently and useful discussions took place on the potential updates to the tool, including the addition of electric vehicle charging and custom appliances.
The Energy Saving Trust (EST), who are responsible for maintaining and hosting the calculator, are currently reviewing all the valuable feedback provided during this session and will be used to inform a plan of action which will be put in place for RECCo to review. Once we have agreed a plan of action, we will notify stakeholders of the planned changes.
If you were unable to attend the workshop, you can watch the recording here. To access the recording, you will need to enter the following password: TheftCalcWorkshop2022. The link will be valid until 8th April and if you wish to view the recording after this time, please email the EST at
Additional Information:
An updated tool will be uploaded to the REC Portal in the first week of April. This will include the heating degree days for 2022. The current tool will continue to be available until such time.
If you were unable to attend, but would still like to provide feedback on the theft calculator, please send an email through to