Hello and welcome to the 23rd edition of Inside RECCo. This month I am writing to you as Interim Chief Executive Officer as Sid Cox is taking a scheduled leave of absence. Following my promotion, Mark Loveday has been appointed as the Interim Director of Operations. He'll be responsible for ensuring the delivery of core RECCo services, managing service providers, and overseeing the operations team. Congratulations are also due to Jon Hawkins, who has stepped up to be Director of Operations Programmes whilst these arrangements are in place.
This month I am pleased to share with you our annual operations review, which reviews our activities in the 2022/23 financial year. The review summarises the operational performance of RECCo, its Code Manager and other service providers. You can learn more and access the full document here.
We've continued to make progress in June across our range of programmes. On page 3, you can read how agile portfolio management, using the MoSCoW model and epic prioritisation, helps us to reach our goals in what continues to be a challenging market. As part of our Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement programme, we’re preparing for the changes that will need to be made to the Electricity Enquiry Service (EES). On July 6th, the team is holding a webinar to discuss this and answer EES users' questions about the changes. You can read more about the webinar and sign-up here. At the beginning of this financial year, we started working with domestic Suppliers and Brokers to determine what RECCo could do to improve the Third-Party Intermediary market. Following several workshops, we committed to introducing a Code of Practice to the market by October 2023. We've made significant progress three months after those initial meetings, which you can read about in full on page 3.
This month, we held our first REC Services Development workshop in Glasgow. I want to say a personal thank you to everyone who joined us for a very productive session and provided feedback on the current Code Manager and Enquiry Services. We will use this information to shape these services in the future. Find out more about the Glasgow event here. We are hosting two further workshops in London and Birmingham in July and would be delighted to see you there. Please register by clicking the respective links. Visit page 6 for our other upcoming events.
Finally, we’re continuing to grow the RECCo team in line with our approved Budget and Forward Work Plan. We are seeking a Senior Business Analyst to join our Transformation team and two Analysts for the Operations team. The successful candidates will be responsible for supporting our programme of business change and delivering quality services to the industry. Find out more about the roles here, and please share with your network.
Thank you for reading this month’s edition – as always, you can submit any comments or feedback to communications@retailenergycode.co.uk