Since the go-live of the new REC Code Manager service, RECCo has been running hyper-care arrangements with the Code Manager to quickly respond to any urgent issues that emerged.
We have also established a Post Implementation Project to deliver functional enhancements across the Code Manager service and to resolve outstanding defects to improve the user experience of the service.
From October, monthly releases are scheduled for the REC Portal and the content of these monthly release will be communicated in advance to all stakeholders. The EMAR will also deliver functional improvements in scheduled releases in November and February with a focus on improving the user experience.
To ensure the Post Implementation Project focuses on priority areas for stakeholders, two weeks after the REC Code Manager service go-live we published our first ‘pulse’ survey to understand initial experiences and where the focus should be on service improvements. We will continue to gain this feedback over coming months and update you on progress.
Overall, we are pleased to hear that the REC Code Manager service as a whole has been well received and initial Portal access problems were promptly resolved by Operational Account Managers (OAM) and the REC Service Desk.
We also understand that although the REC Model Office training sessions on EMAR were helpful, for some stakeholders the new Data Specification within EMAR is not as intuitive or navigable as it should be.
The launch of EMAR was the first step in digitalising retail market arrangements and the focus, as a priority, by the Code Manager will be working with industry to listen to feedback and develop and prioritise service improvements for implementation.
The Code Manager will be hosting an interactive event on 7th October to gain stakeholders’ specific feedback on EMAR as well as working with the REC Technical Expert Panel on priority areas for further enhancements.
We believe EMAR’s functionality has huge potential, but the focus right now should be ensuring all of its users can use the system with ease and without unnecessary complexity.
Working with the REC Code Manager, we have listened to other areas of initial feedback and we’re putting in place over the coming weeks:
Adding categories to the Useful Documents section within the Portal to simplify finding key documents to Portal users.
Each month we will be bringing you useful tips to help you get the most out of our services, this month we are focusing on the REC Code Manager’s EMAR:
1The Code Manager has put together an interactive EMAR User Guide to help you navigate the platform which is available here.
2EMAR has a useful search field ‘Search artefacts' at the top right-hand side of EMAR to help users quickly find artefacts such as data items. Users can use either search using the REC reference or local references used in the Data Transfer Catalogue such as ‘J0001’.
3REC defined processes maps can be found in the ‘Market Scenarios’ tab of the EMAR dashboard and will be added to as the REC develops.
4EMAR shows past, present and pre-release versions of the REC from REC V2.0 onwards. The EMAR Dashboard will always show the live version of the REC, but users can switch to different versions. See more in the EMAR User Guide (page 23).
5For a more detailed walkthrough of EMAR functionality, a number of REC Model Office training sessions are available here.
Over coming months, further service enhancements will be made to EMAR to improve useability. The REC Code Manager will be working with industry to prioritise these changes. Please join the Code Manager for the REC Office Model session on 7th October to provide your feedback on future updates to EMAR.