Last month we looked into the role of the REC Performance Assurance Board chaired by RECCo’s Jon Dixon. In this edition we reflect on the REC Metering Expert Panel (MEP), hearing from Catherine Ward, MEP Chair from the REC Code Manager.
The REC Metering Expert Panel (RECMEP) has met three times since REC Go Live on 1st September 2021. We’re quickly getting into the swing of how the Panel will operate, as the change processes start to bed in, and items are coming through the pipeline.
The scope of responsibility for the RECMEP has already been extended from the original Terms of Reference, to include responsibility for Change Proposals to amend Market Domain Data (MDD) tables and to maintain specific Category 3 documents and guidance assigned to it.
Other responsibilities include confirming the Code Manager developed plan for consultations on metering provision changes, voting on the recommended solution for those change proposals, and discussing operational metering issues and directing towards a solution, whether in the REC or via collaboration with wider industry.
I was appointed to chair RECMEP on behalf of the Code Manager having previously worked as the Registration Authority for MOCOPA and with over 20 years’ experience in the energy industry and metering in particular.
Other representatives from Code Manager teams such as the Change Team, the Technical Design Authority, and Performance Assurance attend to provide their expert input on the agenda items.
The voting members are drawn from metering experts appointed to represent the Supplier, Distributor and Meter Equipment Manager (MEMs) constituencies across gas and electricity, with each constituency having two representatives.
Attendance is open to other interested parties such as Ofgem and RECCo and specific knowledge can be requested by the Chair, for example from other codes, associations or legal support.
Despite having only met three times so far, the RECMEP has come together in a proactive and collaborative manner, enjoying constructive dialogue and looking for optimum processes and solutions.
As we find our way through the new governance structure, we have discussed how we effectively interact as well as considering the specific items raised. The aim of REC is not to replicate the status quo from previous market governance but to be more agile and effective in delivering positive change for consumers.
RECMEP has already challenged the value in industry-wide consultation for MDD updates, which is effectively a validation of the values proposed. Instead, the Code Manager is investigating if this validation can be completed accurately without the need for every REC Party to be asked through consultation. This could prevent unnecessary requests and effort for REC Parties, and streamline the process.
New functionality for Committee collaboration, introduced recently to the REC Portal, will simplify engagement and discussion by RECMEP outside the regular meetings. It will allow the RECMEP to raise and discuss current metering related topics, allow the Code Manager to seek views and advice on issues, and it also supports ex-committee voting.
Looking to the future, RECMEP will proactively identify areas for improvement in the metering provision space, ensuring consumers and REC Parties benefit from any changes.
If you have a suggestion for an improvement, an issue with metering provisions or are area that is causing you difficulty or unnecessary effort, please reach out via or speak to myself, Bradley Mercer (RECMEP Secretary) or one of the Panel directly. All information related to the RECMEP, including the ToRs, Membership and meeting papers can be found on the REC Portal.